Quiz: Which (vintage) pinbutt are you?

By Taylor Bancroft

Since the beginning of pinball time there have been pinball butts on backglasses, playfields, and yes, even cabinet art. Are some problematic? Absolutely, no doubt. This quiz isn’t about that. This quiz is about finding the true nature of who you are and then converting that energy into a butt. A vintage pinbutt.

Yeah, we get it — internet quizzes. Do they actually tell us anything we don’t know? Well in this case, yes. Absolutely. This is about finding your center. This is about finally going through life and understanding who you actually are. This is about pinbutts. Sure, you MIGHT think you have an idea of the sort of vintage pinbutt you purport to be, but until you take this quizz you actually have no idea.

Well, guess what? You’re about to change everything — for yourself and everyone around you. SO WHICH PINBUTT ARE YA?


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