New York Nudge

Photos taken by Gina Collecchia

There’s nothing better than getting an email from Gina Collecchia. It always starts with something like, “Hey sorry, only about half of these turned out and who knows if they’re that great…” and then you look at all the pics and they’re better than any picture you’ve ever taken. I’m not going to overly editorialize this because that’s frickin’ gross, but realize that what I said is also true. Damn.

Oh, and real quick: I know people are going to complain about the formatting. It’s OK. Scroll through and allow yourself to actually enjoy it. You don’t have to click through a gallery in .2 seconds. Stop clicking through galleries so fast! No one goes to an actual art gallery and just sprints through the fuckin’ thing. Sheesh. Plus, you’re gonna want to keep those quick-twitch muscles fresh for the arcade, flyboy. Ya yutz.

What Gina says:

I suppose a thread of half of these photos is that they mostly feature private collections. Kaite Martin owns many of these machines. She has crammed 4 into her apartment. Also, Alan Gamboa’s basement collection features a beautiful Argosy.

Kaite Martin (KTM—winning big this year at women’s tournaments across the country!) fixing up her TNA.

My teammate Matt Quintanilla. A beast.

This is Owl Farm, a bar in South Slope, featuring Weird "Owl" Yankovic, who hovers overhead. Def cozy vibes, a sorta private-collection vibe.

Sam Hall at Temkin’s. This is basically where I live. This is in the before times. Still hadn’t acquired a Godzilla.

Winners circle at St. Pintrick’s Day women’s tournament (with many Belles and Chimes) (Editor’s note: LET’S GET THAT MONEYYYYYYY)

Group shot for a St. Patrick’s Day tournament held at Kaite Martin’s home, featuring 4 of her machines.
(Editor’s note: My fave is the dog. P much exactly how I look in 95% of my pics)

Jess Warren rocking a Portland Belles and Chimes tee

Pizza Rat!


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